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Self-Hosted Kubernetes Clusters

The astro platform allows you to manage and operate your own Kubernetes clusters. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Full Control: You have full control over the cluster, including the control plane. This allows for more customization and configuration options.
  2. Cost Efficiency: Self-hosting can be more cost-effective, especially if you already have the necessary infrastructure in place.
  3. Flexibility: You can choose the specific versions of Kubernetes and other components, ensuring compatibility with your application.

Supported Cloud Providers

The Astro platform supports the following cloud providers for self-hosted Kubernetes clusters:

  1. AWS: Utilizes Amazon EC2 instances to host the Kubernetes cluster.
  2. GCP: Utilizes Google Compute Engine instances to host the Kubernetes cluster.

The astro platform deploys K8s clusters with best practices and you don't have to worry about it. To understand the networking aspect, follow the Networking section.