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Astro Platform - Simplifying Cloud Complexity

· 8 min read
Builder @ AstroPulse

In my journey through the cloud infrastructure landscape, I've encountered a recurring challenge: businesses transitioning from traditional on-premises solutions to public clouds often struggle with managing application deployments and Kubernetes cluster configurations. The existing cloud ecosystem, with its numerous providers and disparate tools, lacks unification, making it difficult to master each platform. These complexities can be overwhelming, detracting from innovation and growth.

Gatner Report

"According to Gartner, by 2025, over 95% of new digital workloads will be deployed on cloud-native platforms, up from 30% in 2021"

At AstroPulse, we recognized these critical pain points and developed the Astro Platform to simplify and unify the management of applications and clusters. By bringing everything under one streamlined service, Astro Platform eliminates the need to juggle different tools and platforms, reducing the learning curve and enabling businesses to maintain agility, enhance operational efficiency, and focus on their core mission of innovation. One of the standout features is cost optimization for clusters, ensuring efficient resource allocation and transparent pricing, making your cloud infrastructure both powerful and economical. Additionally, Astro Platform simplifies the management of multi-cloud vendor environments, supporting both managed and self-hosted Kubernetes clusters

Streamline Your Cloud Operations with Astro Platform

Are you struggling with managing application deployment and Kubernetes cluster configurations across multiple environments? Discover how Astro Platform can simplify your cloud infrastructure management and streamline your operations.

Why Choose Astro Platform?

Our platform simplifies the deployment and management of applications through an intuitive use of YAML, Helm charts, or our tailored Astro Application resource abstraction. This approach not only supports a range of application types—stateless and stateful—but also integrates seamlessly into your existing workflows.


Key Features
  1. Broad Application Spectrum: Whether you are deploying a simple web app or a complex microservices architecture, AstroPulse has you covered.
  2. Ease of Use: Our platform is designed with the user in mind, offering intuitive interfaces and automation to minimize manual intervention.
  3. Cost-Effectiveness: By optimizing resource allocation and providing transparent pricing, we ensure that your deployments are not only efficient but also economical.
  4. Seamless Migration: We facilitate smooth migration across various cloud providers, enabling you to choose the best environment for your applications without being locked into a single vendor.
  5. Integrated Cloud Native Technologies: AstroPulse integrates a range of cloud native technologies to provide a cohesive and robust platform for your deployments.
  6. Security and Resilience: With a strong focus on security and operational resilience, it ensures that your applications run reliably and securely.
  7. Scalability: Our platform is built to scale with your needs, from small-scale applications to large enterprise solutions.

Optimize Your Deployment

At AstroPulse, we understand the critical importance of a robust and flexible deployment process. Our platform’s YAML and Helm chart capabilities are designed to streamline application deployments, ensuring that your cloud infrastructure remains agile and responsive to your business needs.

Application Profile: Example
profileName: dev-profile-aws
clusterName: aws-us-west2.k8s.local
Application Manifest: Artifact Image Example
name: hello-world
profileName: dev-profile
type: image
repository: astropulse/latency
tag: v1.0.0
Application Manifest: Artifact Helm Chart (public) Example
name: cert-manager
profileName: dev-cluster
type: helm
chartVersion: v1.14.5
chartName: cert-manager
type: object
object: {} # any values.yaml property
Application Manifest: Artifact Helm Chart (private) Example
name: foo-control-plane
profileName: dev-cluster
type: repository
path: charts/foo-control-plane
targetBranch: main
type: files
- ../values/foo-control-plane.yaml # relative path based on the repo.path
Application Manifest: Yaml Resource
name: kafka-cluster
profileName: dev-cluster
namespace: foo-namespace
type: yaml
path: resources/foo
targetBranch: main
exclude: "*.md"
Different Source Types

One of the standout features of Astro Platform is its ability to manage multiple Kubernetes clusters effortlessly. Our management tool, astroctl, provides a comprehensive view across all deployments, allowing you to monitor logs, events, and application statuses irrespective of the specific cluster or cloud provider they reside on. This unified pipeline significantly reduces the complexities associated with managing diverse cloud environments.

List Clusters
$ astroctl clusters list -p aws

But what truly sets Astro Platform apart is its advanced capability to support direct use of the kubectl command by retrieving the kubeconfig file. With a simple command, you can pull the kubeconfig of any cluster running on any public cloud provider.

KubeConfig Retrieval
$ astroctl clusters set-context dev-stack-aws.k8s.local
fetched kubeconfig
kubeconfig entry generated for cluster: dev-stack-aws.k8s.local

This powerful feature allows for straightforward debugging and troubleshooting. For instance, one of our clients resolved a critical deployment issue within minutes using this feature, significantly reducing downtime and boosting their team's productivity.

Bring Your Own Account or Cluster?

Looking for enhanced security and control? Bring your own account or cluster with Astro Platform for seamless integration with your existing systems. This ensures that your account, your cluster, and your security rules are fully under your control.

What are Cloud Native Applications?

· 2 min read
Builder @ AstroPulse

Cloud-native applications are designed specifically for cloud computing environments. Unlike traditional applications, which are often developed for specific OS and hardware, cloud-native applications are built to take full advantage of the scalability, flexibility, and resilience offered by cloud computing platforms. Key characteristics of cloud-native apps include:

Microservices Architecture

These applications are often structured as a collection of small, independent, and loosely coupled services. This modular approach allows for easier updates and scaling.


Cloud-native applications often use containers (like Docker) to package and run services. Containers are lightweight and provide a consistent environment for the application, regardless of where the applications are deployed.

Dynamic Management

These applications are managed dynamically, often using orchestration tools like Kubernetes, which automate deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

DevOps and Continuous Delivery

Cloud-native development typically incorporates DevOps practices, emphasizing automation, continuous integration (CI), and continuous delivery (CD) for the rapid and reliable release of new features.


Cloud-native applications are designed to scale seamlessly in response to fluctuations in demand, often utilizing the cloud’s ability to allocate and de-allocate resources dynamically.


Cloud-native applications bolster resilience by handling blast radius, network partitions, and ensuring static stability.

Cloud-native applications are integral to businesses aiming for high agility and efficiency, enabling them to innovate and respond to market demands rapidly.