The application pipeline is the end-to-end process of defining, deploying, upgrading, and maintaining applications in a containerized environment. It encompasses:
- Creating and managing application resource manifests
- Reliably deploying and upgrading applications
- Ensuring application availability and scalability
Astro Platform supports this by offering:
Multiple [sources] for application artificats:
- Image for stateless web applications Astro abstraction API
Only use this source type for stateless web applications. The platform manages the lifecyce of application so you don't have to worry about it.
- Yaml [operators APIs, standard k8s yamls]
- Repository [private helm repo] for secure, organization-specific templates
- Helm [public helm repo ] or standardized deployments
- Image for stateless web applications Astro abstraction API
GitOps integration for declarative, version-controlled infrastructure
PR webhook integration for automated updates from git-based resource manifests
Planned source-to-image capability (Future*)
The platform provides benefits including flexibility, standardization, security, and efficiency. This approach simplifies the application lifecycle, reduces complexity, and allows teams to focus on development rather than infrastructure management, adapting to various use cases and expertise levels.