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Understand The Basic

To get started with the platform, it's important to understand the basic concepts and how things are mapped. This guide will provide you with an overview of the platform and its key components.

User Management

User management is handled through Auth0 integration. When a user logs in with astroctl auth login, it generates the default organization, access-key, and assigns the user to a developer role by default. There are four roles available, each with its own set of permissions:

adminCan do everything, including managing API keys, manage origanization
developerCan deploy applications, manage their own keys.
platform-adminCan deploy clusters and applications, but cannot manage API keys.
super-adminCan do everything, including deleting the organization, managing roles.
Role Assignment

Ask the astro platfrom admin to assign the appropriate role. Please for more information.

Access Keys

To access the platform, you must log in to the platform. This will create a default organization and provide you with an access key that expires in 30 days to access the organization's resources. Users can request to join the organization from the administrator and then generate an access key that expires in 30 days to access the resources.

astroctl auth login

For more information, read Organizations

Organization and Application Management


In the platform, applications are organized into an organization, each with its own members, access keys, profiles, clusters, and applications. The mapping between organizations, profiles, and applications is shown in the image above. Developers can manage applications from various sources such as image, helm, repository, or yaml.

Applications in the platform can encompass a wide range of services that run as containers. This includes simple web applications as well as complex distributed systems like Apache Kafka. The platform provides the necessary tools and resources to deploy, manage, and monitor these applications.

astroctl org list
  • Each organization can have multiple application profiles, which simplify the configuration of common application settings such as cluster name, resources, and providers.

    Profile List
    astroctl app profile get
  • Only users with admin roles can assign or revoke organization members.

  • As a user, you can generate an API key for any organization you belong to.

    ASTROCTL whoami

    Use astroctl whoami to retrieve information about your current organization, role and current access key.

With this understanding of organization and application management, you are ready to start building and managing your applications.

Application Debugging Tools

All operations to debug an application can be done either through the astroctl app commands or by using the kubectl command to access the remote cluster. To access the kubeconfig file, follow these steps:

kubectl CLI

Get the appName and provider
astroctl app get # <appName>
astroctl app status <appName> | grep provider
Get the clusterName
astroctl app status <appName> | grep clusterName
Get the kubeconfig
astroctl clusters set-context <clusterName>


you can run following commands to debug your application without access the remote K8s Cluster where your app is running.

Debug commands
astroctl app get  # get <appName>
astroctl app logs <appName> #logs
astroctl app events <appName> -k # k8s events
astroctl app status <appName> # status

run astroctl app -h to find all the supported commands with examples.

With this basic understanding of the platform and its components, you are ready to dive deeper into its features and start building and managing your applications.