The Astro platform supports two types of notification providers: slack and email. It is always best to configure notifications so that you can receive information about the cluster's state. Additionally, enabling notification is highly recommended for cluster creation as it allows you to monitor the progress of the cluster creation.
To enable email based notifications, please send email to contact@astropulse.io for your account. Future releases will make this feature available to all users.
Configuring Notification Providers
You can configure the notification providers in the notification
section of the cluster setup configuration file. Here are examples for both Slack and email based notifications:
Slack Notification
For Slack webhook URLs, refer to the Slack documentation to create one. The following is an example to enable Slack notification on cluster API request:
type: slack
webhookURL: https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX # change to your Slack webhook URL
Email Notification
type: email
receiver: user@example.com # change to your email address
Approval Workflow
The approval workflow requires notification to be enabled; otherwise, the request will fail. The approval workflow generates either Slack or email notifications, depending on the type of notification provider configured. The link must be clicked to approve or reject the request. If the request is rejected, the cluster request will fail, and you must delete the request and create it again. If the request is approved, the cluster creation workflow will continue.
Enabling Approval Workflow with Slack Notification
type: slack
webhookURL: https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX # change to your Slack webhook URL
approvalWorkflow: true