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Create Organization

To create an organization, use the following command:

astroctl org create foo-org

Please note that the admin role is required to create an organization.

Admin Role Required

To create an organization, you must have the admin role assigned to your account. Only users with the admin role can create organizations.

How to be part of the Organization?

To become a member of an organization in the Astro Platform, follow these steps:

  1. When you onboard the platform, you are automatically assigned a default organization. However, please note that the default organization is only for testing purposes and you cannot add anyone to it.

  2. To join an organization, you need to either have the admin role assigned to your account or request the administrator to add you to the organization.

  3. To request membership, provide your id, which you can find using the astroctl whoami command.

By following these steps, you can become a member of an organization and access its resources and collaboration features.