astroctl clusters
Clusters information
Clusters information
astroctl clusters [flags]
# Get all the clusters
astroctl clusters get
# Get all the clusters for a specific provider
astroctl clusters get --provider-id aws
# Get cluster information for a specific cluster
astroctl clusters get --provider-id aws --cluster-name my-cluster
# Apply the cluster configuration
astroctl clusters apply -f cluster.yaml
-h, --help help for clusters
Options inherited from parent commands
-o, --output string Output format (json|yaml) (default "yaml")
- astroctl - Astropulse Platform CLI tool
- astroctl clusters apply - Apply the cluster configurations to create a new cluster
- astroctl clusters delete - Delete a k8s cluster
- astroctl clusters delete-context - Delete the context for the cluster
- astroctl clusters generate-kubeconfig - Generate the kubeconfig for the cluster
- astroctl clusters get - Get cluster information
- astroctl clusters set-context - Set the context for the cluster