astroctl application
Manage applications
Manage applications
astroctl application [flags]
# Create an application profile
astroctl app profile create -n test-profile --proximity
# Get the application profile
astroctl app profile get -n test-profile
# Delete the application profile
astroctl app profile delete -n test-profile
# Create an application
astroctl app create -n myapp -p test-profile -i astropulse/latency:v1.0.0
# Get the application detail
astroctl app get -n myapp
# Get the status of the application
astroctl app status -n myapp
# Get the application log
astroctl app log -n myapp
# Delete the application
astroctl app delete -n myapp
-h, --help help for application
-n, --name string name of the application
Options inherited from parent commands
-o, --output string Output format (json|yaml) (default "yaml")
- astroctl - Astropulse Platform CLI tool
- astroctl application apply - Apply application template by file name
- astroctl application create - create an application
- astroctl application delete - Delete an application
- astroctl application events - Get application event
- astroctl application get - Get application detail
- astroctl application logs - Get application logs
- astroctl application profile - Manage application profile
- astroctl application status - Get the status of an application